Wednesday, June 29, 2011


For 55% off one regular price item TODAY and 40% off one item this week at AC Moore, click HERE.

For an additional $5 off Cricut Cartridges (making them $39.99) and for $10 off a Cricut Personal cutting machine at AC Moore, click HERE.

Can I just say that the name "Cricut Personal Cutting Machine makes it sound like a trimmer for your nether-regions? Seriously. What's next, the Cricut Personal WAXING machine? The Cricut Personal PLUCKING machine? What was ProvoCraft's marketing department thinking??? But I digress...

For 40% off at Michaels this week, click HERE.

For 40% off Martha Stewart Crafts at Michaels, click HERE.

For 15% off your entire regular price purchase at Michaels until the end of the month, click HERE.

Happy shopping and happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie! I am a bit behind in checking your blog, so I just read this! I completely agree with you about that name! Creative Memories has a "personal trimmer", too, and my scrapbooking friends and I frequently giggle over the connotation.
